Dylan has started to enjoy spending time in her room since it is the one place in the house since she can play with anything without someone saying "don't touch that!". So, now I have a new obsession.... Re-doing her room.
I never really completed it in the first place so I have spend the last year saying that "one day" I will complete her room. Well, I can't procrastinate anymore and "someday" is here.
So, I have begun my research. A project that should take one weekend will end up taking me months due to my lack of motivation and commitment. While researching ideas for Dylan's "big girl room", I decided to venture beyond
ohdeedoh and do a quick Google search. What I found was a world that verified people have WAY too much time on their hands and spend WAY to much money on their kids. I'll post the good ideas I see.
In the meantime, check out the Cinderella Bed. Can you imaging what this kid is like?