I know, I know. I never post but I think about it. Does that count?
Check out what my friend Lousie just IM'd me. It's why we love NYC. Never a dull moment.
Louise (11:07:42 AM): OK I have to tell you the craziest 24 hours I have had
llacour (11:07:58 AM): omg. what?
Louise (11:08:41 AM): yesterday I got cursed out by a little old lady on the subway for sneezing (i covered my mouth). Then last night I was waiting for the bus and some guy came and stood next to me and pleasured himself
Louise (11:09:20 AM): and then this morning I was on the train and there was a guy in full elvis outfit - pork chop sideburns, white jumpsuit, galsses, the whole thing