Wednesday, September 27, 2006

WHO DAT?!?!?



3-0 Baby! Cha Ching! The Saints KILLED the Falcon's Monday night on the second most watched cable event in history! The only thing that trumped it was the Al Gore/Pero debate in 1993 (really?). I didn't even have time to open my second beer before they made the first touchdown. Wow! Are the Saints actually good this year? That would be a first in the history of the franchise.

There's an old wives tale in NOLA that says Marie Laveau put a curse on the Dome because it was built on a cemetary. Perhaps Katrina washed it all away.

Geaux Saints!

(I think that's my cousin with the face paint)

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

You Know You're From Louisiana When....

The Katrina anniversary makes me more proud than ever to say I'm from New Orleans. For all my fellow NOLA friends and family, let's just take a minute to think about how different we are than everyone else.

To that I say "Yeah Ya Right". Click on the Fluer de Lis:

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

August 29, 2006

Today is August 29th. The year anniversary of Katrina. Driving through the devastated parts of New Orleans would make you think it happened last week. No hospitals, no schools, no grocery stores, no restaurants - no houses. Can someone please tell me what's going on? Who's got the plan? Who's fixing the levees? Who's in charge?

The people are in charge. The people will rebuild my beloved city. My family, my community, my America.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Whitney Bin Laden

"He explained to me that to possess Whitney he would be willing to break his colour rule and make her one of his wives."

Is this a joke? It's just too good to be real, however I truly do believe it. Out of all the beautiful girls in the media, he goes for the crackhead?

Read it here.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Which Hardcore Band are You?

Guess I'd rather find out which Heavy Metal band I was, but whatever. I was some band I've never even heard of (Hopesfall?). Maybe I should check them out. Perhaps I'd like them.

Friday, August 04, 2006

James Blunt even annoys the Brits

Wow. Finally some freakin' justice in the music world. Leave it to the Brits to actually step up and say something. What I thought was once their precious military crooner is now being said to be more annoying than dog poop, noisy neighbors and headaches. Thanks to the AOL Music News Blog for pointing out this very important bit of information.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Ghetto Preacher

I know, I haven't posted in a while. Summer time leaves me busy and outside so not much time. I've got pics from Spain I'll eventually put up, but for now I have to share the one and only Ghetto Preacher!

Wonder if he's from NOLA?

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Pastor Speaks Creole

Oh no. Thanks to Crunktastical for this one. Some people will say he's speaking in tongues, I think it's Creole.

Monday, June 12, 2006

2006 Hurricanes

Wow. It's June 12th and Florida's already getting Hurricane warnings. Not sure how much of this I'm going to be able to take. Camillia Grill still isn't opened in New Orleans. Now that's a damn shame.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Super Group!

Super Group premiered yesterday after Sopranos and it's officially the best show on TV. Ted Nugent being disgusting and inappropriate, Sebastian Bach being, uh, Sebastian Bach, John Bonham's son who doesn't talk Scott Ian, being cool and some guy from Biohazard (should have been someone from Judas Priest or Dio). It's a must watch. Stay tuned next week for when I count the amount of times Sebastian Bach says "YEAH", "ROCK" and throws the Metal sign. Plus, some classic Nuge quotes.

THe Dramas @ The Cutting Room

I gotta tell you about my new favorite show, SuperGroup but don't have time. For now, check out The Dramas from The Cutting Room.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Hoe descriptions

AOL just lunched their "Uncut" video network, which is their answer to Youtube and Commnunity Video. I have to say it's pretty cool but needs to be populated. When surfing around I found a test. Make sure to click to the page and see the hoe description for America's Next Top Model.

Around New York in 3 Hours

My lovely husband Dan decided to take me on a dinner cruise for our first year anniversary. It was me, him, four international tourists and 300 "others". We boarded fairly early (or at least I thought it was early) and were greeted by a ship load of people with their party hats on. Dan and I looked at each other and said "drink!". So that's what we did. One bottle of wine and one bottle of Champaign later, and everything was just fine.

We had an amazing night.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Drudge Report

I got an email from my friend Aaron the other day where he listed the top headlines on Drudge Report. They were so insanely ridiculous and Aaron's a joker like that so I didn't really pay much attention. Today, I decided to see for myself and this is what I found. No, really. Go look.

'I'm going to catch as many as I can and throw them in my jail'...
Teacher: 'All Mexicans are criminals'...
CINGULAR Pulls Offensive 'Immigrant' Ringtone...
Prom Dates get Criminal Background Checks...
Asst. Principal Accused Of Telling Student To Videotape Sex...
Oral and anal sex increasing among teens...
SHOCK: 12 Boys Accused In Sexual Assault Of Girl, 8...
NY warned to prepare for hurricanes...

Thursday, April 27, 2006

New Polly Jean DVD

OMG! I'm so excited. PJ Harvey is releasing a DVD! You can watch a little clip here:

I claim to not watch television but that's a lie. Acutally, I love it although I've got a very limited viewing schedule.

Last night I was jacked on cold medicine so I was actually up late enough to catch some late night TV. Watching Jimmy Kimmel for 5 minutues was enough to catch this. Not sure why I think it's so funny. Maybe because it's Jim Belushi?