Wednesday, August 30, 2006

You Know You're From Louisiana When....

The Katrina anniversary makes me more proud than ever to say I'm from New Orleans. For all my fellow NOLA friends and family, let's just take a minute to think about how different we are than everyone else.

To that I say "Yeah Ya Right". Click on the Fluer de Lis:

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

August 29, 2006

Today is August 29th. The year anniversary of Katrina. Driving through the devastated parts of New Orleans would make you think it happened last week. No hospitals, no schools, no grocery stores, no restaurants - no houses. Can someone please tell me what's going on? Who's got the plan? Who's fixing the levees? Who's in charge?

The people are in charge. The people will rebuild my beloved city. My family, my community, my America.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Whitney Bin Laden

"He explained to me that to possess Whitney he would be willing to break his colour rule and make her one of his wives."

Is this a joke? It's just too good to be real, however I truly do believe it. Out of all the beautiful girls in the media, he goes for the crackhead?

Read it here.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Which Hardcore Band are You?

Guess I'd rather find out which Heavy Metal band I was, but whatever. I was some band I've never even heard of (Hopesfall?). Maybe I should check them out. Perhaps I'd like them.

Friday, August 04, 2006

James Blunt even annoys the Brits

Wow. Finally some freakin' justice in the music world. Leave it to the Brits to actually step up and say something. What I thought was once their precious military crooner is now being said to be more annoying than dog poop, noisy neighbors and headaches. Thanks to the AOL Music News Blog for pointing out this very important bit of information.